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Dunno wat they're sayin?
Ever get confused by the supernerds supertalk? What does PING mean or stand for? Just look below, I know everything.
General Internet Slang
dunno- I don't know
wtf- what the f....?
nm- never mind
afk- away from keyboard
igi- i'm going in
gtg- got to go
brb- be right back
jk- just kidding
lag- bad connection to server
lag spikes- small periods of time when lag occurs
pk- player kill
tk- team kill
ff- friendly fire
System Abreviations
PC- personal computer usually windows compatable
MAC- macintosh
DC- Dreamcast
GC- Game Cube
PS2- playstation 2
PSx- playstion 1
VMU- visual memory unit
VMS- visual memory system
Other Acronyms and Stuff
Some of these deffinitions are from yahoo dictionary and contain link to that site. If you need help on other slang just email me, and I will add it.
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